Information to share

Your Name: Public
Email: Private information
Web Page: Public

Remind us about who you are and your relationship to PCC. Remember that not everyone who reads this will have been there and shared your experience. Feel free to correct history as reported by third parties. Debunk urban legends. Tell us what you've been doing in the last two or three decades. Point us to your web page, if you have one. We will take your input, HTML-ized it as necessary, and put up a Mini-Webpage linked to your name on the PCC Staff and Supporters list. If you are HTML literate, feel free to write with your own markup. Pictures, drawings, photographs and the like would be much appreciated.

If you want others to know your email address, you must include it in your comments not just on the form. We'll edit what you send, put it into a consistant format, and put it up as a mini-webpabe linked to your name in the alumni list. The information you provide will be publically available.